Today I wanted to give you a few sermon resources from folks I like. There are specifically sermons that will have Lenten themes from people who preach on the lectionary every year, so check out their Lenten sermons from other years as well.

Maybe you heard a sermon on Matthew 4:1-11 or Mark 1:9-15, if your pastor podcasts her or his messages tweet it out and share with other folks on this Lenten journey, #Lentjourney.  I would love to listen in! 

Here are a few that I know of that are really good.  

Fr. Thomas McKenzie (this is my former pastor and a great preacher). 
On 3/9/2014 he preached a great sermon on the 1st Sunday of Lent.

Fr. Robert Barron — Word on Fire Ministries
Fr. Barron’s sermons are always really good and always short! Usually about 15 minutes or less. His sermon / homily here was really good! Enjoy!

These are 2 good ones to start with. I might share more later! 

Grace, peace and mercy