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The Feast of the Resurrection


The Feast of the Resurrection

This is an image (click to enlarge) and video of my friend Jeremy making the image. I have this particular piece hanging in my office, it has a lot of symbolism, texture, and beauty to it and watching the video brings a lot of that out. Check it out! 
I hope you love it as much as I do. 

This is a little video of Rob Bell talking about resurrection.

Despite what you might think about Rob this video is really compelling and I've always loved what it says about resurrection, Jesus, and us. It's true! It's good news! 

And the artist that composed the video is really great as well. If I'm not mistaken it's Chuck Andersson or No Pattern Photography on Instagram. His stuff pretty amazing!


And here a couple deep thoughts on Easter, The Feast of the Resurrection! I hope you are inspire to LIVE RESURRECTION!

Here is N.T. Wright, I found a short clip but he has a ton of great longer clips that you can also find on YouTube regarding the resurrection. Wright is a expert to say the least. Listen up!

Robert Barron has a ton of great video you can check out, i've posted a few of them here on this web guide. This one on The Meaning of Easter has some great thoughts. Enjoy! 






In the context of the liturgical year these are exciting days ahead! I'll share some thoughts about that in the days to come over on my blog. You can also keep an eye on the Seasons To Live home page (which is under construction). 

However, the next resource we have for you is connected to Ordinary Time. 
Ordinary Time is the season that follows Christmas and Epiphany, and also Easter and Pentecost, I've written some bits about this over on my blog. The Ordinary Time devotional book we have available is meant for the first half of Ordinary Time after Pentecost, essentially guiding you through the days of summer with the aim of growth and discipleship. Check it out and order your own copy!

Check out the Ordinary Time Web Guide for more info, web content, and to get your copy of the Ordinary Time book as well.
(The Ordinary Time Web Guide will be updated and find it's home here on the Seasons To Live website before Ordinary Time 2017. So come back soon to check out the new look and fresh content connected to Ordinary Time book.)

Grace and peace

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